A way of life – Unique, transformative & life-changing!
“By far, one of the most profound trainings I’ve ever done!”
Lena Ski – Purpose Strategist
The new, upgraded, online Bone Circle © Training is coming soon! Sign up here for the waiting list and I’ll notify you as soon as new dates are available! The new programme will lean more towards spiritual awakening, living your soul purpose, creating your true life, healing the past, and raising your vibration. But most of all, it’s about creating what you absolutely LOVE…

The Bone Circle is a way of living and being! It’s an extensive, in-depth programme for soul advancement, transformation and creating what matters most in your life! I designed it as a set of practical, integrated tools that string together pearls of Wisdom, enabling you to let go of the past, stay fully present, and create the future you’d love – one that’s in alignment with your heart, soul and truth.
The entire programme is a complete roadmap for you to tap into your intuition at will, take inspired action and overcome any doubts and fears you may have. You’ll learn to collaborate with your Bone Circle Buddies, because if you want to go far, you need friends. Together we’re strong. Together we rise. Each module is stand alone, and each builds on the previous one.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
Albert Einstein
The Bone Circle© Programme is split into five sections:
- Bone Circle Basics – essential to the programme – no charge. Lays the foundation for the entire training, and gives you the very first tools to start your journey.
- The Bare Bones – a framework for living in the Creative Orientation, raising vibration, and becoming aware of old patterns that no longer serve.
- Fleshing out the Bones – understanding past conditioning and how the small self sabotages. Learning to create on purpose (purposefully and according to soul purpose). Understanding underyling structures. Learn spiritual lifestyle practices and techniques to resolve conflict.
- The Beautiful Bones – receive your “Gift of Life” – the life you’re here to live, your soul purpose and your heart – and all the tools you need to actualize it. Understand the power of surrender, acceptance and allowing. Learn to flow with the higher plan of your soul.
- Mastering the Bones – understand the structure and pattern of your small self and how you can overcome and resolve old patterns that may have stopped you in the past. Learn techniques for staying focused and creating pure magic by wielding the forces of the universe. Learn powerful techniques for healing the past. Learn to lead by example, remain sovereign and step into your power and authority. Understand who you really are and your spiritual mission at the very Highest Level of I AM.
The Bone Circle work taps into that magnificent part of yourself – your intuition. The training has become a way of life – a vastly improved way of looking at my world, and creating that which I truly desire. There is nowhere else I’d rather be. I firmly believe I’m doing precisely the right thing to catalyse the life I want.
Kim Lyon, Chartered Accountant
“I loved the excitement of being with a group of like-minded women, all eager to become the best version of themselves. I also loved the unbelievable teachings through every aspect and session. It’s brillliant!”
Jill Van der Veen, Calligrapher
“The Bone Circle has been by far one of the most profound trainings I’ve ever done. It’s touched so many parts of me so deeply. It’s gifted me with a new navigation system, a truer orientation of who I am, and a shift that changes everything about how I show up.”
Lena Ski, Purpose Strategist
We are living in a Gateway Moment. Ancient Prophesies talked of the End Times, but we hear less of the New Beginning that follows! Humanity is on the edge of a spiritual ‘re-evolution’: an evolution, a revolution and a revelation! Are you going to be part of it?
We are creative beings, responsible for what we make of our lives! Collectively, we’ve largely created the world around us today. Our thoughts, visions, ideas, beliefs, words and actions, led us to where we are now. New insights enable us to choose differently, and in doing so, we co-create something better.
Once we begin to create ‘on purpose’ – purposefully and according to our soul’s Highest Purpose – we begin the journey back to who we truly are. As we play our part within the whole, we work synergistically to create a new way of being.
What could be more important than that?
To achieve it, we must each awaken to a higher level of Consciousness, to our own individual Greatness, and the part we can play. We can leave behind the old programming of childhood, the wounded ego that can sabotage, and the old paradigms of competition, consumption and acquisition. Instead, we can join together in service to ourselves, humanity and the planet. This is the purpose of The Bone Circle Training Programme.
It’s possible to return to a pure creative, positive state, and focus on actualising the visions that sustain and fulfil us. As we begin to open our hearts and minds, we start to heal, grow and flourish as one body of humanity, thus raising our game to the next level of evolution. It starts with us!
We are witnessing an expansion of consciousness, a mass awakening, and a return to compassion and higher values, rising out of the havoc that’s currently playing out. The old structures which no longer serve us are imploding, which looks and feels chaotic. But new structures of support will spring up in their place if we seize this opportunity. The feminine principles of nurturing, teamwork, intuition, mutual support and understanding, will come into balance with the masculine principles of structure, action, administration and critical thinking. The way out of the chaos is to evolve the spiritual mind…
Love is the way and must be our guiding Light!
If you would like to interview me or speak to me about my work, please contact me. I have media experience.
If you would like to receive information about The Bone Circle©, please contact me.